


Dear Prospective Families,

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child here at St Johns College Dubbo. St Johns is a catholic school that is administered by the Catholic Education Office of the Diocese of Bathurst. St Johns College was founded in 1969 by two religious orders: the Mercy Sisters and the De La Salle Brothers. The College continues this proud tradition of educating in a Christ-centred environment in conjunction with St Brigid’s Catholic Parish Dubbo.

Students at St Johns are motivated to learn, cooperate fully with their teachers and strive for personal best in all that they do. There are more families seeking enrolment at St Johns in Years 7-10 then there are positions available and therefore the priority order for offering enrolments is explained below.

The enrolment policy of the Catholic Education of the Diocese of Bathurst is as follows:

Priority in enrolment will be as follows: 

  1. Baptised Catholic students living within the parish/school area.
  2. Students who attend a local Catholic primary school should have priority of enrolment within the Catholic system where the family has supported the Catholic mission of the school.
  3. Siblings of students already attending the school whose families have demonstrated ongoing support for the Catholic mission of the school. 
  4. Baptised Catholic students living outside the parish/school area. 
  5. Students of families who have “special pastoral circumstances” as assessed by the Principal/Parish Priest.
  6. Non-Catholic students with a Catholic parent or care-giver. 
  7. Non-Catholic students whose parents wish them to have a Christian education and agree for them to participate in the religious education program of the school and who are prepared to support the Catholic mission, values and ethos of the school. 

Following receipt of your application we will organise a time to interview you and your child. The interview will include the Principal or representative, both parents/carers where applicable and the student dressed in their current school uniform. We will then inform you of the outcome of your application. An offer of enrolment will be made to successful applicants. Unfortunately, based on current interest and the resources available to St John’s I will not be able to offer places to all applicants. I apologise for the emotional anguish that this will cause some families and some students but I hope that by providing you with all the relevant details you will understand if your application is unsuccessful.

Please refer to the enrolment checklist below of what you need for the completion of the enrolment form.

Yours faithfully,

Justin McCarney

Click here to view the Enrolment Policy

Click here to view the Enrolment Application Form

Click here to view the Charter - Our Community Working Together: Schools, Parents & Volunteers